Game Updates
Here are the latest updates for Celestial Knights:
(Mar 31) - First KI combos implemented, see 'Help Combo'
(Mar 30) - Boss Respawn timer added to 'UPTIME' command
(Mar 26) - Several T6+ Bosses been given Extra PLGain victory bonuses.
(Mar 22) - GTELL history can be displayed by type just 'GTELL'
(Mar 22) - Thunderstrike Rhapsody song added
(Mar 19) - Stardust Breaker is now an biodroid absorbable skill
(Mar 19) - Bound Items can now be placed in carried bags
(Mar 19) - Fishing PLgains reduced by 30%, Fish Value increased by 1000%
(Mar 19) - Mentor tasks can now award Hitroll/Damroll
(Mar 18) - Mentor Task PLGains increased, scales by tier/basepl
(Mar 14) - Flourish trait added to Demons
(Mar 14) - Can now auction T8 and T9 items, but must be R25+ to bid on them.
(Mar 14) - Planetary traits added, use 'planets' command
(Mar 14) - 2 new clan traits added
(Mar 11) - Boss Loot table logic improved, see 'Help Bossloot'
(Mar 11) - Saiba PHY multiplier is now included in combo damage
(Mar 11) - Saiba growth AUYO/PHY/KI add 2% armor penetration for every 1000 points.
(Mar 11) - Saiba groth TRAIN bonus raised to 3.99x
(Mar 11) - Gauntlet bosses at Lvl 25+ now have combat scripts, Lvl 30+ adv. combat scripts
(Mar 10) - Perma boosts token requests can be boosted to 25% at R25+, at a higher token cost.
(Mar 10) - Learn rate added to remort command.
(Mar 9) - Performance updates to Player saving, loading and Mob Extraction
(Mar 7) - Mentor display will now list requirements if any
(Mar 7) - Racial Mentors only show up in mentor list for that race
(Mar 7) - Scavenger Mobs will no longer pick up BOUND items off ground.
(Mar 7) - AUTOSPAWN(grind npcs) will no longer display room movement.
(Mar 6) - Slot Machines now award STR XP for complete line matches.
(Mar 6) - Casino commands generalized for blackjack, war, holdem.(cjoin, cleave, cbet...)
(Mar 6) - Casino Hold'em game added, See 'Help choldem'
(Mar 3) - Casino War game added, see 'Help CWAR'
(Mar 2) - Blackjack now supports upto 4 players at a table, see 'Help Blackjack'
(Mar 1) - Arena 'Open Challenge' can now be initiated by typing 'challenge'
(Feb 28) - Kurogane Quest item are now 'Materials'
(Feb 28) - Remort unlocked upto R39
(Feb 28) - A mysterious guru has appeared in Kurogane Mountains
(Feb 27) - Remort upto R34 Unlocked
(Feb 26) - The lands of Kurogane released on Konats
(Feb 22) - Can now become 'Inspired' when using training exercises, 50% boost to PL/STAT gains.
(Feb 19) - Conton City area released in Otherworld
(Feb 19) - Material boss loot can now be dropped legendary
(Feb 19) - Portal and Instant will prioritize mentors.
(Feb 18) - BEEP command added, see 'help beep'
(Feb 17) - 2 Captain officer positions added to clans.
(Feb 17) - Inactive clan members(30 day+) removed automatically daily.
(Feb 16) - Door keywords will now take priority over inventory items of same name.
(Feb 14) - New promot command, see 'Help Prompt'
(Feb 14) - Mud Time can now be set to prompt with 'prompt' command
(Feb 14) - 'Areas' command now sorted by planet, and can filter by planet.
(Feb 12) - Event command now shows Total, Event and Plantary multipliers
(Feb 12) - Events can now take place in Otherworld
(Feb 11) - Optimizations to Maps and Survey
(Feb 10) - Clan HQs can now be built in Space
(Feb 9) - South Kai planet added to otherworld
(Feb 8) - Ultra Ego now has scaling damage reduction. See 'Help UltraEgo'
(Feb 8) - Rare fish will now be displayed in BOLD yellow in inventory
(Feb 8) - Parasitic Spear attack added for Bio-Androids
(Feb 8) - Bio Impact damage increased and penatration added
(Feb 5) - Demon's ethereal blade now goes up to T9
(Feb 1) - Tiered Fishing Rods and Bait added, see 'Help Fishing'
(Jan 31) - "Food" inventory added
(Jan 31) - Many new fish added, planet specific fish, new item rewards, and fish bosses.
(Jan 30) - Added [R] tag in inventories for items that have been remort flagged
(Jan 27