Game Updates
Here are the latest updates for Celestial Knights:
(Jan 23) - INFO command is no longer position bound
(Jan 22) - Crane School Event has been added
(Jan 21) - 'Toggle NoPLGains' added to the toggle options
(Jan 20) - Enhanced scouters now display loot probability
(Jan 17) - Leggo item value at pawn shops reduced.
(Jan 17) - 'Uptime' command added for mortals
(Jan 17) - Saiba Solar Energy now increases by 10 every remort, see 'Help SolarEnergy'
(Jan 15) - New planetary spawn Boss added to Vegeta
(Jan 15) - Bound/Leggo Gear can be sold at pawns, but not in bulk
(Jan 15) - Blue Orbs STAT XP now scales up with your stats
(Jan 14) - Redeem command now redeems all lootboxes and summarizes rewards.
(Jan 14) - Majin Forms no longer revert on death
(Jan 10) - Biodroid Absorb skill boosting substantially increases Biomass Regen
(Jan 9) - Ultra Instinct now does 2x Combo Damage
(Jan 9) - Konatsu Combo added, see 'Help Combo'
(Jan 7) - Massive overhaul to majin forms, see 'help forms_majin'
(Jan 1) - Data Lords event now requestabke
(Dec 29) - Neo TriBeam and Perfect Genki skills tweaked.
(Dec 20) - Lavos STAT tabs buffed
(Dec 19) - Using Whois on yourself will now display ALTs by IP matching
(Dec 18) - Restructuring of Inventories to reduce game lag
(Dec 18) - Bags auctioned now display contents
(Dec 18) - Regenerate can now be request boosted
(Dec 12) - Pawns will only buy 100 items at a time to better handle excessive computations.
(Dec 10) - PL Gate removed on Zeta Outpost
(Dec 10) - Sphinx skills, "Critical Tap" and "Chaos Sphere" added
(Dec 9) - Seasonal Bosses will award Event Points now.
(Dec 9) - Tailwhip added to Sphinx race
(Dec 9) - Contributions can extend Bonus Gains upto 90 minutes
(Dec 6) - AUCTIONing of TOKENS for set amount of zenni fixed
(Dec 5) - Successful combos increase rage
(Dec 4) - New RAGE mechanics added, see 'Help Rage'
(Dec 3) - Mace replaced with Staff in "MakeWeapon" skill
(Dec 2) - Solar Flare now only lasts 4rds in combat, but increases miss chance more.
(Nov 27) - added loot, split, token, map and utf8 to options in 'Toggle' command
(Nov 27) - Can now use 'Toggle' command to toggle various channels/options.
(Nov 26) - Aroun's Spawn Boss list uploaded to website under "Secret Bosses" sidebar link
(Nov 24) - BodyBuilder trait added to human race
(Nov 24) - Several Quest guides and Help File search added to web site.
(Nov 23) - No Help Entry now returns list of Entries containing that word.
(Nov 23) - Crafted Reactor PLs increased T2+
(Nov 21) - Finally made a website at
(Nov 20) - Shockwave Kick and Shining Rage have penatrate flag now.
(Nov 20) - SkillInfo command implemented
(Nov 19) - Odds of learning skills from other skills improves as the skill is used.
(Nov 18) - Majin/Biodroid forms no longer have wearoff timer
(Nov 18) - Workshops added to Clan HQs
(Nov 18) - Ki reduction to Calamity Blaster and Disruptor Beam
(Nov 11) - November/December Harvest Quest released
(Nov 8) - "NEWBIE" command added
(Nov 4) - Changes to PROMPT and INFO commands
(Nov 2) - Dejavu's REMORT guide added in, use "RGUIDE' command
(Nov 1) - Adjustment made to RAID boss PLgains/EPOINTs
(Oct 29) - Every group member now increases token drops by 10%
(Oct 28) - Boss token drops increased based on Max PL
(Oct 26) - Wear Location added to Scouter Info
(Oct 26) - Total PL gained per session added to Track
(Oct 23) - New Safeties coded to PK Mode, See 'Help Pkill'
(Oct 23) - Clarification to botting rules, See 'Help Botting'
(Oct 21) - Icer skills, Death Storm and Emperor Death Ball added
(Oct 21) - Icer Golden/Black forms buffed
(Oct 21) - HT bonus to Ki attacks now 2.5x
(Oct 21